Yoga with Dawn - May
#: 2100    ID:    Section: E24W

Hatha Yoga with Daw
Ages 13

Hatha Yoga with Dawn is a class for the body, mind and heart! This yoga class has been created for all ages and bodies between 13-103 that are looking for a practice that includes a kind way to stretch and strengthen the body while integrating the mind and heart. Choices are provided so that

the new student can modify, while the avid athlete can adjust and go deeper. Dawn has over 1000 hours of training in various forms of yoga and yoga therapy.  Give yourself the gift of self care three times a month. (The last Wednesday of each month will become makeup days in the case of a weather or other cancellation.) An online option using Google Meet will be available upon request so you can continue your practice from the comfort of your home or while away during those winter months!


May 7,14,21…………………………………….4:30pm - 5:30pm 
#2100 - E24W………………………………………………….$39
Registration Deadline…………………………………….May 3rd
AES Music Room


Dawn Schaefer Stumpf believes in the power of joy and discovered more of it through yoga. She began practicing yoga more than 30 years ago as part of dance training at Saint Olaf College and felt more joy within her being. She is a 500RYT instructor and also has her Youth Yoga Instructor certification through the national program, Yoga Calm. Dawn is a Yoga Therapist in training and currently works with individuals in private sessions for anything from anxiety to spina bifida or chronic pain to cancer care. She also enjoys teaching paddleboard yoga. In each class Dawn teaches, she strives to provide an opportunity for each yogi to connect his/her/their mind, body, and heart and to leave with a sense of joy.

Age Req:
Ages 12-102
4:30 PM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
5/7/2024   4:30PM - 5:30PM
Annandale Elementary School - Music Room #121
5/14/2024   4:30PM - 5:30PM
Annandale Elementary School - Music Room #121
5/21/2024   4:30PM - 5:30PM
Annandale Elementary School - Music Room #121